Can Death Note defeat Saitama?

Pregunta de: Olivia O.
434 votos
Última edición: 21 octubre 2023
Technically yes. Can Light Yagami defeat Saitama with his death note? Well we all know any human can be killed by death note and saitama with all his powers and abilities is still a human so he would definitely die if his full name be written in death note.

Can Ryuk defeat Saitama?

Ryuk (Death Note)

Ryuk is a god of death who will take the life of someone written in the Death Note. As a god, Saitama cannot touch or swing his fist at Ryuk. If Saitama's name is written in the Death Note, there's nothing he can do but wait for his death.

Can Death Note kill Goku?

While it is true that Goku has canonically been affected, and even died due to a heart attack (the Death Note's default killing method), the Death Note would not be able to invoke this particular brand of death over the Saiyan warrior due to his alien heritage.

Who can defeat Death Note?

C.C. is Death Note-proof in many ways. First off, like master Roshi, she is someone who has lived for centuries, putting her way past the 124-year deadline for the Death Note. She is also an enigmatic character who guards her name by using the pseudonym C.C.

Can Death Note kill Naruto?

However, when he finds a notebook previously owned by the demon Ryuk, Light discovers he can kill anyone by writing their name in it. If Naruto entered the Death Note realm and got on Light's bad side, he could be dead within seconds. None of his powers would save the character from his eventual demise.

Can Light Yagami beat Goku?

Light is by far smarter than Goku and Light could just ask Goku for his name and Goku would respond, making Light take his life.

Can Madara beat Saitama?

8 Madara As A Ten-Tails Jinchuriki Is Too Strong

Saitama's impressive speed should not be an issue because Madara proves that he can handle characters who can teleport while attacking, such as Minato Namikaze and Sasuke Uchiha. He also has more than enough strength to finish Saitama off with his ocular powers.

Could the Death Note kill God?

In the manga, the Death Note can never be used to kill Ryuk because he is a death god, let alone an actual god. For that matter, the Death Note cannot be used to kill a god of any kind.

Can Light Yagami beat Naruto?

Naruto is far more strong than Yagami in brute strength but light has more intellect. If they know about each other and their potential. It wouldn't last long. Naruto would be fast enough to kill him with a swing of his fist till light even writes his name.

Who can kill Ryuk?

Ryuk cannot be harmed by humans in any way, shape or form. Despite Saitama's unfathomable strength, Ryuk would be immune to all his conventional attacks. Ryuk would simply need and write down Saitama's name in his Death Note, and it's over after forty seconds.

What is the IQ of Light Yagami?

Yagami Light's IQ: 215–230. A lot of people fail to understand that an IQ test measures certain types of abilities in relation to short-term memory, analytical thinking, spatial recognition and more.

Who can defeat Goku?

In fact, Beerus, the God of Destruction, could probably take on the entire cast of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z, even after their respective power-ups throughout Dragon Ball Super. On multiple occasions, Goku attempts to defeat Beerus, and in each instance, the God of Destruction emerges as the undisputed victor.

Who can beat Saitama?

Saiki Kusuo can easily overpower Saitama using his psychic powers. We are pretty sure Saitama, with his god-like physical abilities, will not be able to deal with the powers possessed by Saiki. For instance, Saiki's powers include mind alteration, teleportation, stone vision, and more.

Can Luffy beat Naruto?

For Luffy to be able to match Naruto's power, it would take at least 10-15 Gears to get him to a level that's competitive enough for a close fight. As the manga and anime series stand, fans don't know if Luffy will ever see that many Gears during his journey, making a Naruto defeat a distant pipedream.

Can Light Yagami kill Kakashi?

Light Yagami can kill anyone in the Naruto Universe as long as he has the name and the face. Unless Kakashi knows that Light is about to kill him, there is no way he won't die. He would easily be able to kill Kakashi,ie, if he was able to see Kakashi's full face.

Can Naruto beat Itachi?

By adulthood, Naruto has fought and defeated characters such as Momoshiki Otsutsuki, who is considered to be a God of the verse. To date, he remains the greatest ninja in the series, and so, he's undoubtedly stronger than Itachi.

Can Saitama beat Goku?

Even if Goku was able to use his highest form of power, Saitama's one-punch certainty means a fight wouldn't last for long. If we are to take Saitama's power and accuracy at face value, it almost doesn't matter who his opponent is — he would win outright.

Can Naruto defeat Goku?

Although Naruto's physical strength isn't on the level of Goku's, he can certainly do well against him in a fight. With Naruto's limitless chakra and other such overpowered abilities at his disposal, like the Six Paths Sage Mode, Naruto would be able to hold his own, at least for a while.

Can Goku beat Luffy?

Goku's efficiency and ability with ki attacks such as the Kamehameha also put him in a league of his own as one of the most powerful Dragon Ball characters in existence. Essentially, Goku is already a formidable foe without his Saiyan abilities, and this combination would make him the victor against Luffy's Gear Fifth.

Can Sasuke beat Saitama?

Due to his hax abilities, he can easily manipulate an opponent with his Rinnigan and Genjutsu. The Uchiha clan is strong when it comes to Illusions/Genjutsu, he is also able to rip out a soul with his rinnigan. But Saitama is just far stronger, and he can survive more than Sasuke…

Can jiraiya beat Saitama?

Although Jiraiya is known as one of the Three Sannin, he cannot match Saitama's sheer power. Sage mode allows Jiraiya to boost his sensory capabilities, but in his fight against Pain, he shows that he cannot react to several attacks. Additionally, if Saitama hits him, Jiraiya does not have anything to revive himself.

Can Itachi defeat Goku?

Despite this, he was still one of the series' most powerful and proficient ninja, and is a master of more than a few techniques. Itachi would probably lose to Goku in strict hand-to-hand combat, although he could hold his own for a while, but Itachi's true strength lies in his non-physical capabilities.

Can Death Note kill thanos?

Thanos is not human. Even if he was there's Rule 29 of the Death Note. You cannot kill humans who are more than 124 years of age with the Death Note. Thanos is centuries old, so therefore the Death Note cannot be used on Thanos.

Can the Death Note kill Gohan?

At most, the monster-type mortals (such as Pilaf) would also be immune, but given Saiyans are human-type, they would be affected regardless even if the Death Note was limited to just the "human-like" mortals. So yeah Gohan would die if Light wrote his name.

Can Death Note kill immortal?

A death note is not enough to kill a true Immortal. An Omnipresent being is someone who is Everywhere at once so killing them is nay impossible because good luck getting their name or even hitting them.

Can Madara defeat Naruto?

Over the years, Naruto Uzumaki has grown several times stronger, and the power he has now ensures that he surpasses Madara Uchiha in terms of strength. There's no doubt that Madara is an exceptionally powerful character, but Naruto eclipses him in nearly every way.

Can Sasuke defeat Naruto?

Sasuke is currently stronger than naruto. Even though sasuke only has 1 hand, he can beat naruto. First naruto after becoming the hokage has become rusty and lost his form and sasuke has constantly been training and learning new techniques and adapting to his inability to learn to work like that.
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