Does Emilia love Puck?

Pregunta de: Daniela D.
235 votos
Última edición: 16 julio 2023
In Memory Snow SS, it is implied that Puck protected the area where his beloved daughter is currently sleeping for 100 years. He is very overprotective of Emilia and loves her the most. Similarly, Emilia loves Puck almost as much as Fortuna.

Who is Emilia’s love interest?

Initially, she regards Subaru as a mischievous child who always needs to be taken care of. After he risks his life to save her from the Witch's Cult, however, Emilia starts to develop deep feelings for him, as Subaru is the first person to ever make her feel truly happy, accepted and loved.

Why does puck care about Emilia?

Simple answer is that he's been her father figure for a few years and so they consider themselves to be family. Though as Emillia tells Felt at the beginning, she wouldn't acknowledge it when he's awake.

Does Echidna actually hate Emilia?

Echidna adds that she personally knows her real mother and that it is one of the reasons for her hatred. Another of the reasons why she hates Emilia is the fact that the half-elf is nice to her, even though Echidna constantly insults her.

Who does puck make fall in love?

Puck mistakes the Athenian and puts the flower juice on the eyes of the sleeping Lysander. When he is woken by Helena, he immediately falls in love with her and rejects Hermia.

Is Emilia Puck’s Daughter?

Emilia - Puck treats Emilia as a daughter and enjoys acting as a father figure to her. He initially met her seven years before the Royal Selection where she was frozen in the Elior Forest and he thawed her out. In the beginning of the series Puck was contracted to Emilia and bound to her service.

How is Puck Emilia’s dad?

Puck (パック) is an artificial spirit created by Echidna that Emilia was formerly contracted with. He is counted among the Four Great Spirits as the Beast of the End. During the events of the first four arcs, Puck played a pivotal role for Emilia's mental state, supporting her and acting as her parental figure.

Who is Emilia’s wife?

She is married to Othello's ensign Iago, and is a maidservant to Othello's wife, Desdemona.

Who got Emilia pregnant in re Zero?

How did Emilia from Re:Zero get pregnant? She got pregnant when Subaru kissed her.

Why is Emilia Puck’s daughter?

Simple answer is that he's been her father figure for a few years and so they consider themselves to be family. Though as Emillia tells Felt at the beginning, she wouldn't acknowledge it when he's awake.

Why does puck call Emilia daughter?

(more info) But, yeah he refers her as a daughter because that's the type of relationship they had. They have a Father & Daughter bond. Which you get to see in the frozen bonds movie. A movie about Emilia & Puck and how they met.

What is Puck’s real identity?

Puck, also called Robin Goodfellow, the vivacious fairy, henchman for Oberon, and narrator in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. Notorious for his mischievous deeds, Puck makes witty, fanciful asides that serve to guide the play and its outrageous action.

Why is Echidna disgusted by Emilia?

Echidna adds that she personally knows her real mother and that it is one of the reasons for her hatred. Another of the reasons why she hates Emilia is the fact that the half-elf is nice to her, even though Echidna constantly insults her.

Why is Emilia hated in re Zero?

Here's why fans loved & hated her. Re:Zero's powerful Half-Elf girl was beloved by most fans, however, there were times when she was also hastily judged. Emilia was quite stubborn and distrustful, which resulted in a number of tense situations. There was also a major shipping war between Emilia and Rem's fans.

Why can’t Emilia look at Mirror?

Actress Emilia Clarke has described how she was unable to look in the mirror after brain surgery for two life-threatening aneurysms because she "just saw pain in my eyes".

What is Puck’s famous line?

Sometime a horse I'll be, sometime a hound, A hog, a headless bear, sometime a fire, And neigh, and bark, and grunt, and roar, and burn, Like horse, hound, hog, bear, fire, at every turn.

What does Puck symbolize?

puck, in medieval English folklore, a malicious fairy or demon. In Old and Middle English the word meant simply “demon.” In Elizabethan lore he was a mischievous, brownielike fairy also called Robin Goodfellow, or Hobgoblin.

Why does Puck have two names?

In fact, Puck is less a name than a species. Throughout mythology, “Puck” is interchangeable with “Robin Goodfellow.” The names come in different forms among various languages, but they all translate roughly to either “pixie” or “hobgoblin.”

Does puck leave Emilia?

He initially met her seven years before the Royal Selection where she was frozen in the Elior Forest and he thawed her out. In the beginning of the series Puck was contracted to Emilia and bound to her service. After events in Arc 4, he broke the contract in order to allow Emilia the power to pass a trial.

Did puck freeze Emilia?

Puck was created by Echidna around 400 years prior to current events in the story. Puck unfroze Emilia and joined her side as a friend and mentor seven years before the start of the election. As a part of his contract with Emilia, he can only manifest physically between 9 am and 5 pm.

Why does Satella love Subaru?

Satella is madly in love with Subaru and claims to love him for "giving her light, showing her the outside world, holding her hand when she was lonely, and kissing her when she was all alone" essentially giving her everything and Natsuki Subaru does know what Satella said.

What is Emilia’s real age?

Emilia's favorite color is purple. Because of complications in her past, Subaru estimates her exact age to be 114 (115 at arc 5+), but physically 18 (19 at arc 5+) and emotionally around 14 (15 at arc 5+).

Is Emilia Satella’s daughter?

Certain people, such as Echidna and Pandora, have referred to Emilia as "the witch's daughter", with Pandora also mentioning that she was of the witch's bloodline after seeing her power, hinting at some sort of connection between the two, though nothing has been explained, yet.

What race is Emilia in re Zero?

Main characters

The main heroine, Emilia is a silver-haired half-elf girl and a Spirit Art User; she is one of the candidates to become the next ruler in the royal election, making her 42nd King of Lugunica.

Is Emilia a good wife?

She is torn between her loyalty to Desdemona and her obligations as a wife, especially when she begins to recognize Iago's evil intentions. Emilia's growing disdainful attitude toward marriage, combined with her suspicions about Iago, cause her to fully support Desdemona and work against her husband.

Does Re:Zero have a happy ending?

According to Stride, when a fan questioned Nagatsuki on whether the protagonists, Subaru and Emilia, would get married to each other, he replied evasively, answering that Re:Zero would have a happy ending.
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