What does Bob in Ireland mean?

Pregunta de: Maria M.
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Última edición: 6 septiembre 2023
Bob: slang for money. See also quid and sterling. Bonnet: car hood. Boot: car trunk. Bord Fáilte (pronounced bord fal-cha): The Irish Tourist Board (Gaelic, "Board of Welcome")

What is a bob in English slang?

A 'bob' was the slang word for a Shilling, which was worth 12 old pennies. Following decimilisation in 1971, a Shilling was worth 5 new pence. The old 'ten bob note' (10 shillings) was the equivalent of 5 Florins, or 4 Half Crowns, or 2 Crowns. After decimilisation, it was worth 50p.

What is a fanny in Irish slang?

fanny (countable and uncountable, plural fannies) (Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, vulgar) The female genitalia. from 1830s

What is a lash in Irish slang?

To “Give it a lash” means to give something a go. For example, “I haven't made pizza from scratch before, but thought I'd give it a lash.” This is Irish slang for a male of any age.

What is the Irish slang for cigarettes?

Fags refer to cigarettes in Ireland (as well as other parts of Britain) and while occasionally people may use the word in a nastier context, it's mainly understood to mean cigarettes. Example A: I've got a couple of fags left.

Where did the slang bob come from?

Bob – The subject of great debate, as the origins of this nickname are unclear although we do know that usage of bob for shilling dates back to the late 1700s. Brewer's 1870 Dictionary of Phrase and Fable states that 'bob' could be derived from 'Bawbee', which was 16-19th century slang for a half-penny.

What does two bob mean in British slang?

Slang terms are not generally used for the decimal coins that replaced them but in some parts of the country, "bob" continues to represent one-twentieth of a pound, that is five new pence and two bob is 10p. For all denominations "p" is used for pence.

What does feckin eejit mean in Irish?

35. Eejit. Meaning “idiot,” this can be a mild insult. For the meaning to reach its full insult potential, however, you need to add in the word “feckin'” beforehand and elongate that "eeeee" sound — “You feckin' eeeeejit.”

What is a culchie in Ireland?

The term is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary as "one who lives in, or comes from, a rural area; a (simple) countryman (or woman), a provincial, a rustic". It is sometimes said to be a word derived from the remote town of Kiltimagh, County Mayo.

What is a buck in Irish slang?

The word "buck" has been used to describe a lively or spirited person in various English dialects, particularly in Ireland and Scotland. This term likely originated from the Old Norse word "bokkr", which refers to a male deer or goat, and has been used metaphorically to describe someone energetic or high-spirited.

What is the Irish slang for crying?

"Keen" as a noun or verb comes from the Irish and Scottish Gaelic term caoineadh ("to cry, to weep"), and references to it from the 7th, 8th, and 12th centuries are extensive. Probably at the origin of "couiner" in French.

What is the Irish slang for taxi?

Jo Maxi. This term is used to refer to a taxi.

What is a banger in Irish slang?

We started calling sausages bangers sometime during the first World War, it was a slang name for a sausage at the time. British sausages are sometimes called bangers because back then, sausages had a habit of bursting open while cooking.

Is feck a bad word?

The most popular and widespread modern use of the term is as a slang expletive in Irish English, employed as a less serious alternative to the expletive "fuck" to express disbelief, surprise, pain, anger, or contempt. It notably lacks the sexual connotations that "fuck" has.

What is the slang for condoms in Ireland?

Aside from Johnnies, condoms are occasionally referred to as French letters or even Jonny's - an affectionate play on words that further reinforces their association with sex.

What is the Irish slang for kissing?

Shift: Irish slang for kissing/frenching/pashing/snogging/making out Can be used in both verb and noun forms, noun always taking the definite article. Eg: “Did you get the shift last night?” “Yeah Niall saw my poster and was so impressed that he shifted me for hours.”

Why is Fanny your aunt?

A phrase with the same meaning is 'Fanny's your aunt'. When used together it means complete or the whole lot. If Bob's your uncle and Fanny's your aunt you've got a full set of relatives and you are complete.

Why do the British say bob your uncle?

The origins are uncertain, but a common theory is that the expression arose after Conservative Prime Minister Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury ("Bob") appointed his nephew Arthur Balfour as Chief Secretary for Ireland in 1887, an act of nepotism, which was apparently both surprising and unpopular.

Why is bob slang for money?

Before decimalisation the shilling was almost always referred to colloquially as a Bob. In his Slang Dictionary in 1864, John Camden Hotten says that this comes from bobstick and suggested a link to Sir Robert Walpole. Walpole was Prime Minister 1721-1742 and was Chancellor of the Exchequer before that.

What does bob mean in London?

C UK old-fashioned informal plural bob. a shilling : a British coin used in the past: That coat cost me ten bob in 1956. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases. British money.

What is a bob in peaky blinders?

All related (79) A "bob" was a slang term for a shilling, which was a unit of currency in Britain before decimalization.

What is a couple of bob?

bob in Currencies topic

3 (plural bob) informal a shilling (=coin used in the past in Britain) At last I'm making a few bob (=a reasonable amount of money).

What do Irish call Guinness?

1) Pint of gat

In Dublin, there is a pub for every 100 people, and what better way to experience these in true local style, than being able to order Guinness, Ireland's staple alcoholic beverage, in its mother tongue? A “pint of gat” literally translates to a pint of Guinness.

What is the Irish slang for girl?

“Cailín” is the Irish slang for “girl.” A lot of Irish people still use this word even when speaking in English. The plural, “Cailíní,” is also commonly used, for example, “I'm meeting up with the cailíní later on.”

What is the Irish slang for drinking?

One can go “on the gargle” meaning to go drinking.

What do Irish call a friend?

The word for “friend” in Irish is “cara”, and to say “my friend” is “mo chara”. When addressing someone as “my friend”, however, it needs to take on the vocative case thus becoming “a chara”.

What is a Mick in Ireland?

Mick, with its variants Mickey and Mike, like Paddy and Pat, typecast the Irishman as poor and uncultivated. The cognomen is all the more offensive as it has religious undertones. A “Mick” (1920s +, Cassell's) can also label an Irishman of the Catholic faith, particularly in Britain and Australia.
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